The girls in their costumes |
Today was the annual Gateway Lo-Downs Howl-O-Weener party. It's one of my favorite things to do and I considered not going because JTK wasn't up for going after a weekend of camping and two of my favorite doxie buddies, Katie and Becky couldn't go. But I got my sensible cap on and decided to give it a go anyway because I knew Elisa and Boomer would be there. Maybe I'm growing up a little if I chose to get a little out of my comfort level? Nah .... Suzie and Tina have such a wonderful time in a roomful of doxies, so I wanted to make sure they got in their deserved party time! This year they were so much more social. Last year, they would hardly leave my side but this year I was constantly trying to look for them. Tina could invariably be found wherever someone was snacking. :)
Treat time! |
What was hilarious to watch was whenever someone would open up a bag of treats, dachshunds from far and wide throughout the facility would gather around the person with the treats. It was so cute - and it was such a relief to see it's not just Suzie and Tina doing it! ha
Of course there was a costume contest and Suzie was a devil and Tina a ghost. I had them from last year's after Halloween sale and Tina got lumped into her costume just because it was the only one that fit. :) It was not a good costume for a short dachshund, though, because the flowing fabric kept getting her tripped up. Finally, while the festivities were going on I tied up the fabric on Tina's back. But when it was time for the costume contest, I had to untie it and let it go.
Tina Checking out her winnings |
Guess what? Tina won a prize for looking the most miserable in her costume. HA I think that's hilarious because she did look at me a couple of times like she was disgusted. But you know what, that dog usually LOVES to dress up. Maybe she didn't like being a boring old ghost - she probably thought she needed something with more bling and sass. I was tickled pink that she won, though. This little old gal deserves the winnings.
One of my favorite moments of the afternoon when there were a number of senior doxie ladies together. There was Bitsy who was saved by her Mom Boomer from a rural shelter. There was also Betty who was saved by Boomer from another rural shelter but adopted by someone else in the Lo-Downs and then there was Suzie and Tina. All four of these girls faced uncertain futures and now they're all in homes where they're loved so much, they're actually taken to parties in honor of their breed. :)
Even if you're not a doxie lover, one of these parties shouldn't be missed. I am telling you, there is no way possible to not have a huge smile on your face when you're faced with a roomful of crazy, happy dachshunds in Halloween costumes. It is really a sight for sore eyes. It actually helped me face what's really important in my life today as well. Being a decent person and making a positive impact in the world is what are my priorities. I can only live my life based on my own beliefs and do the best I possibly can. I don't need to behave similarly to other people who may hurt me and I don't need to give up just because I make a mistake.
Two Tired Girls on Their Way Home |
Tonight I'm feeling a little older and wiser, but also a little more realistic about me, my life and the people I'm comfortable being around and investing my emotions in. Thank you dachshunds of St. Louis for your infinite wisdom. <"( );::::::;~ (emoticon by Boomer)