Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Fight Isn't Over

Unfortunately, members of the Missouri Senate have chosen to ignore the results of November's election and are currently in the process of repealing or severely limiting Proposition B.     I have to admit, this is one of the reasons I have to believe so many Americans feel disenfranchised with their government.    We have elections, an official or piece of legislation wins and the opposing side does everything in their power to hinder the effects of the person or legislation.   It makes me want to throw my hands up and just give up.   But you know what, we can't.   We have to continue to have our voices heard because the voices of the dogs aren't heard.

It makes me think of The Lorax who speaks for the trees.    In this situation I would think Dr. Seuss would have him say this instead:   I AM THE LORAX I SPEAK FOR THE PUPPIES,

Well, Missouri, let's stand up together and remind our elected officials that that we haven't lost our voices!  Our Senators work for us.   We pay their salaries and for once, just once maybe they should actually do something the public wants.     

Please contact your Missouri Senator and implore them to fight to keep this legislation in place.   Even better, if you're able - attend the two hearings that are taking place tomorrow and Thursday.    One took place today, but there's a chance to make your presence known.

Look up your senator HERE

A final quote from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss,

"But now," says the Once-ler,

"Now that you're here,

the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear.

UNLESS someone like you

cares a whole awful lot,

nothing is going to get better.

It's not.

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