Sunday, February 20, 2011

Joey's Home

BACK OFF - he's MY Joey
One of these days I really need to get it on tape when Joey comes into the house.    The dogs are all so excited - it's adorable.    When Joe's Dad dropped him off, Tina was asleep in my room.    When she heard the commotion, though, she was front and center and waiting for some serious love from Joey.    She hadn't been able to sleep with him since Wednesday night!  That is too much for Tina to bear.   I don't cuddle Tina like Joey does, but I actually tried the last couple of nights and she moved away.   Boy ... if she's not getting Joey cuddles, she apparently doesn't want any cuddles.   This is a picture of Suzie sitting in Joey's lap.   Very cute - she's not much of a lap sitter, but she missed Joey as much as everyone else did.  (Including his  Mom!)    Doesn't she look like she's say, "He's MINE so everyone had just better stay away from him!" ha   It's cute - it's like everything is right with the world again now that Joey's home so everyone can relax.   :)   I was so excited I even cooked something I've never tried - Pot Roast.  It was pretty good and JTK ate 2nds so I didn't faily epicly.

Pretty Girl Tina

Earlier today I had Tina outside and I thought she was never going to get her butt back inside.    I was thinking how I'd love to measure my yard, then measure her stride length and then imagine how the yard much look to this very low to the ground girl.  She was exploring everywhere - it must have felt like a 10 mile hike to her!   She went to back of the yard, then she went to the front of the yard.   On her way back, she rolled around on her back and then headed to scope out the back of the yard again.   She looked so cute and so serious about her perambulation.   I tried to get a couple of good pictures, but she was especially difficult.    After all, she was busy and she had no time to be bothered by a human that doesn't even cuddle her correctly! ;)    I did get this one picture of her which I really like.   One of my favorite things about Tina is her curious expression - she has the "alert, but floppy" ears.   And she has this little crinkle between her brows.   It's so cute.    Doesn't she look pretty?   Her coat looks glossy, she's shed a few more lbs and she's just looking all around great.

Joey had a great time at his Pokemon event and spent every dollar he had while he was there.    He got to show off his Japanese version to some people and they were apparently very impressed.   :)    They also got to see the next Pokemon movie free.    And for seeing the movie, they got this giant sized Pokemon card as well.   I took a picture of it next to my remote so you can see how big it is.   I think he's going to frame it - and he really should.   It's very cool.  :)    He also bought a shirt and a few other items.   He even got some cool freebies - like some pokemon "starter" patches and even a pretty decent stylus of one of the starter pokemon.   For all of you pokemon newbies out there - each new version of the game has 3 starter pokemon that you have to choose who to start your game with.    It's a very big deal on which starter to choose.  :)    All in all, it sounds like it was POKETABULOUS trip to Indiana!  

We can rest ... Joey's home with us
The little guy got a cold, though.    I'm very lucky he's such a healthy kid - he hardly ever gets sick.   I hear about parents that constantly have to take their kids to the Dr. or emergency room and I have no idea how I would handle that.   When he is sick, though, I feel very worried about him.   Look at how tired my boy looks and how happy all the dogs surrounding him look.   And if you can't see the shirt, it's one I got him and he hates!   "It's so lame, Mom!!!"   I think it's hiliarious - it says "So Far, This is the Oldest I've Ever Been."   I've tried to explain to him he doesn't have to look at the shirt but I get to and I get to smile when I read it.  :)

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